Why the Wedding Hashtag Trend Is Over

Not as many people seem to be taking part in the once-ubiquitous trend.

A few years ago, it seemed like there was no wedding trend bigger than the hashtag. Whether straightforward and simple or filled with puns, it seemed like every reception featured signs encouraging guests to post photos to Instagram or other social media sites using the dedicated wedding hashtag.

Photo: Style & Story Creative

A few years ago, it seemed like there was no wedding trend bigger than the hashtag. Whether straightforward and simple or filled with puns, it seemed like every reception featured signs encouraging guests to post photos to Instagram or other social media sites using the dedicated wedding hashtag. The reasoning made sense as it allowed both attendees and the newlyweds to look through the hashtag and see photos from events. It also became like a hip version of the classic monogram, with the hashtag emblazoned on cocktail napkins, signage, and more. Of course, as time passed, coming up with a unique hashtag became more difficult. Some people even started charging to think up the perfect hashtag for couples with writer’s block.

why the wedding hashtag trend is dead, why no one does wedding hashtags anymore

Photo by Style & Story Creative 

However, it seems that the trend is winding down, with fewer people choosing to embrace the hashtag. Obviously, many times the reason a fad dies down is simply due to overuse and changing taste – think mason jars. That certainly could be a factor here, but primarily it seems to be more about the fact that the way people use social media has changed. Therefore, it’s less about the vision someone has for their wedding and more about how they live their daily lives.

For one, the algorithms have been updated so hashtags are simply not as useful of a tool in terms of gathering all of your photos in one place. The popularity of Instagram stories has also led to fewer posts in general. Your guests are more likely to share a long story full of snapshots and videos instead of multiple pictures posted on their profile. It’s similar to how the growth of Instagram seemed to lead to fewer photo albums being created on Facebook. 

Of course, if you’ve had your hashtag picked out since before your engagement, there is nothing wrong with still using it. Just be prepared that you may not see as many photos from it as you may have noticed at weddings past. On the other hand, if you’ve been stressing about finding the perfect, unique phrase for guests to use on social media posts, you can rest easy knowing plenty of couples will no longer be using a wedding hashtag.